Apps Form Actions

Subscribe to Attentive

Add user to Attentive's email/phone list.


  • Attentive App enabled
  • Attentive Api key set in the app settings
  • One of the following input field (or both), phone or email
  • language in ISO 639-1 alpha 2
  • country in ISO-3166-1 alpha 2
  • subscriptionType is either MARKETING or TRANSACTIONAL

Subscribe to Attentive

Add user to Attentive's email/phone list.


  • Attentive App enabled
  • Attentive Api key set in the app settings
  • One of the following input field (or both), phone or email

Submit Back in Stock

Add user to Back in Stock App email list.


  • Back in Stock App enabled
  • Either a Source Product or a Grid/Slide iterating over a Source Collection's products as parent
  • An email input field

Submit Klaviyo

Submit Klaviyo email signup.


  • Klaviyo App enabled
  • An email input field
  • A phone_number input field
  • Any other fields are sent as custom properties to Klaviyo

Submit Klaviyo Back in Stock

Add user to Klaviyo's back in stock email list.


  • Klaviyo App enabled
  • Either a Source Product or a Grid/Slide iterating over a Source Collection's products as parent
  • An email input field

Yotpo Loyalty's create account

Create both a Shopify account and a Yotpo loyalty account attached to it with birthday information


  • Yotpo Loyalty App enabled
  • A day input field
  • A month input field
  • Same input fields as CREATE_ACCOUNT

Yotpo Loyalty's refer a friend

Send referral email to provided mail list


  • Yotpo Loyalty App enabled
  • A logged in user
  • A Source Yotpo Loyalty as parent
  • A referrals input field

Recharge's cancel subscription

Cancel a subscription


  • Recharge App enabled
  • Use inside apps.rechargesubscriptions.list
  • A logged in user

Recharge's update customer address

Update a customer address


  • Recharge App enabled
  • Use inside apps.rechargeadresses.list
  • A logged in user
  • A firstName (optional) input field
  • A lastName (optional) input field
  • An address1 (optional) input field
  • An address2 (optional) input field
  • A city (optional) input field
  • A company (optional) input field
  • A countryCode (optional) input field
  • A phone (optional) input field
  • A province (optional) input field
  • A zip (optional) input field
  • A paymentMethodId (optional) input field

Recharge's update customer address payment method

Update a customer address payment method


  • Recharge App enabled
  • Use inside apps.rechargeadresses.list
  • A logged in user
  • A paymentMethodId input field

Skio's change next billing date for a subscription

Change next billing date for a subscription


  • Skio App enabled
  • Use inside apps.skiosubscriptions.list
  • A logged in user
  • A date input field

Submit Targetbay

Submit Targetbay email signup.


  • Targetbay App enabled
  • An email input field
  • Emails will appear on Bayengage dashboard

Rivo Loyalty's customer update birthday

Update customer birthday


  • Rivo Loyalty App enabled and correctly configured
  • A logged in user
  • A day input field
  • A month input field

Rivo Loyalty's create account

Create both a Shopify account and the referred account in Rivo Loyalty with the provided referral code. Refferal code is automatically handled by a Nyla script.


  • Rivo Loyalty App enabled
  • Same input fields as CREATE_ACCOUNT

Search on Algolia for the entered text.


  • Algolia App enabled
  • Use inside Algolia source content item
  • A searchTermInput input field