Skio: Subscriptions
list: [
currencyCode: "EUR",
cyclesCompleted: 1,
deliveryPolicy: {
interval: "MONTH",
intervalCount: 1,
maxCycles: null,
minCycles: null,
deliveryPrice: {
amount: 4.95,
currencyCode: "EUR",
id: "1c0712a3-54ab-482b-9aa1-5677bae50dbc",
nextBillingDate: "2024-11-11T00:00:00+00:00",
paymentMethod: {
brand: "VISA",
expiryMonth: 2,
expiryYear: 2024,
id: "test",
lastDigits: 4242,
shippingAddress: {
address1: "Fake st. 123",
address2: null,
city: "Los Angeles",
company: null,
country: "United States",
createdAt: "2023-08-21T12:52:25.677465+00:00",
doorCode: null,
firstName: "John",
id: "240a5104-367d-4332-bf25-d86e5ba098e8",
lastName: "Doe",
phoneNumber: null,
province: "California",
shopifyId: null,
updatedAt: "2023-08-21T12:52:25.677465+00:00",
zip: "90001",
status: "PAUSED",
subscriptionLines: [
customAttributes: [
key: "_sellingPlanNames",
value: "Every Month-Every 2 months-Every 3 months",
key: "_sellingPlanIds",
value: "gid://shopify/SellingPlan/8363868481-gid://shopify/SellingPlan/8363901249-gid://shopify/SellingPlan/8363934017",
key: "_currentSellingPlan",
value: "Every Month",
key: "_nyla_id",
value: "d5d5c2e1-bacb-4477-8030-a41932c0d8e3",
key: "_nyla_quantity_increment",
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ordersRemaining: null,
priceWithoutDiscount: {
amount: 11.95,
currencyCode: "EUR",
productVariant: {
id: "1c2a7025-6d8d-4ace-a173-b11a8b9706ae",
image: {
src: "",
price: {
amount: 12,
currencyCode: "EUR",
product: {
id: "60841cba-a8dc-4903-a8ce-7a1faf2fc7e7",
image: {
src: "",
slug: "le-baume",
title: "Le Baume",
productId: "60841cba-a8dc-4903-a8ce-7a1faf2fc7e7",
shopifyId: "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/46240848544065",
sku: "MOI-BD-50",
title: "small",
quantity: 1,
shopifyId: "gid://shopify/SubscriptionLine/7bdb06cd-1de2-4ccc-920e-ad339096fd84",
taxable: true,
titleOverride: null,
updatedAt: "2023-09-20T18:45:53.321233+00:00",
pagination: {
amountOfPages: 0,
hasNextPage: false,
hasPreviousPage: false,
page: 1,
pageSize: null,
totalElements: 0,
The list of customer subscriptions
The currency code of the subscription
The number of completed cycles
The delivery policy of the subscription
The interval of the delivery policy
The interval count of the delivery policy
The maximum number of cycles of the delivery policy
The minimum number of cycles of the delivery policy
The delivery price of the subscription
The ID of the subscription
The date of the next billing
The payment method of the subscription
The brand of the payment method. eg: VISA
The expiry month of the payment method
The expiry year of the payment method
The ID of the payment method
The last four digits of the payment method
The shipping address of the subscription
The first line of the address
The second line of the address
The city of the address
The company of the address
The country of the address
The date the address was created
The door code of the address
The first name of the address
The last name of the address
The phone number of the address
The postal code of the address
The province of the address
The date the address was updated
The status of the subscription
The list of items in the subscription
The custom attributes of the subscription line
The key of the custom attribute
The value of the custom attribute
The ID of the subscription line
The number of orders remaining in the subscription
The price of the item without any discounts
The product variant of the subscription line
The ID of the product variant
The image of the product variant
The price of the product variant
The product of the product variant
The ID of the product
The image of the product
The slug of the product
The title of the product
The ID of the product
The Shopify ID of the product variant
The SKU of the product variant
The title of the product variant
The quantity of the item in the subscription line
The Shopify ID of the subscription line
Whether the subscription line is taxable
The title override of the subscription line
The date and time the subscription line was last updated
Returns a pagination object.
Returns the total number of pages.
Returns true if there is a next page.
Returns true if there is a previous page.
Returns the current page number.
Returns the number of items per page.
Returns the total number of items.