Cart Link Actions

Open Cart

Open the cart

Close Cart

Close the cart (if open)

Remove Discount Code

Removes the current discount code (if any) applied on the cart

Remove Item from Cart

Removes the current line item from the cart


  • Cart section as parent
  • Grid/Slide iterating over the Cart's line items as parent

Add Upsell to Cart

Adds the current selected variant as an upsell to the cart


  • Content Item In Cart Upsell as parent
  • Source Product as parent

Bundle set included as true

move item from {{bundle.upsells}} into {{bundle.products}}


  • Use inside Source Cart Items
  • Line item should be created from a bundle PDP

Bundle set included as false

move item from {{bundle.products}} into {{bundle.upsells}}


  • Use inside Source Cart Items
  • Line item should be created from a bundle PDP

Remove selling plan from cart line item

Remove any selling plan associated with the line item


  • Skio App enabled, or any subscription app that has set sellingPlanGroups
  • Inside cart line item

Set selling plan for cart line item

Add the default selling plan to the cart line item


  • Skio App enabled, or any subscription app that has set sellingPlanGroups
  • Inside cart line item
  • Cart line item should have sellingPlanGroups associated