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customAttributes: [
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value: "This is a gift for you",
customer: {
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lineItems: [
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title: "Lip liner",
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sku: "",
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available: false,
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id: "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/0",
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currencyCode: "USD",
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webUrl: "",
The country where the buyer is located.
The attributes associated with the cart. Attributes are represented as key-value pairs.
The key of the custom attribute.
The value of the custom attribute.
The customer associated with the cart.
The tags associated with the customer.
The email address of the buyer that is interacting with the cart.
The error status of the cart.
The loading status of the cart.
A list of lines containing information about the items the customer intends to purchase.
The attributes associated with the cart line. Attributes are represented as key-value pairs.
The key of the custom attribute.
The value of the custom attribute.
The gift associated with the cart line.
The description of the gift.
The id of the gift.
The title of the gift.
The type of the gift. Can be "auto" or "choice".
When this flag is enable, product should always be added to the selection, this can not be changed
The attributes associated with the cart line.
An attribute associated with the cart line.
The quantity of the merchandise that the customer intends to purchase.
Represents an association between a variant and a selling plan. Selling plan allocations describe which selling plans are available for each variant, and what their impact is on pricing.
A representation of how products and variants can be sold and purchased. For example, an individual selling plan could be '6 weeks of prepaid granola, delivered weekly'.
A globally-unique ID.
Selling plan name.
The price adjustments that a selling plan makes when a variant is purchased with a selling plan.
The type of price adjustment. An adjustment value can have one of three types: percentage, amount off, or a new price.
Discount percentage, only one time of discount is applicable at the same time, fixed or percentage.
Discount price object, this is intended to use for a fixed discount.
Discount amount
Currency code
The number of orders that the price adjustment applies to. If the price adjustment always applies, then this field is null.
Selling plan id
The variant of the line item.
Indicates if the product variant is available for sale.
The compare at price of the variant. This can be used to mark a variant as on sale, when compareAtPrice is higher than price.
A globally-unique identifier from Shopify (the GraphQL long-form format).
Image associated with the product variant. This field falls back to the product image if no image is available.
The product variant’s price.
The product of the variant.
A human-friendly unique string for the product automatically generated from its title.
A globally-unique identifier from Shopify (the GraphQL long-form format).
The title of the product.
List of product options applied to the variant.
The product option’s name.
The product option’s value.
The SKU (stock keeping unit) associated with the variant.
The title of the variant.
The unit price value for the variant based on the variant's measurement.
The unit price measurement for the variant.
The type of unit of measurement for the unit price measurement.
The quantity unit for the unit price measurement.
The quantity value for the unit price measurement.
The reference unit for the unit price measurement.
The reference value for the unit price measurement.
The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit.
The amount, before taxes and cart-level discounts, for the customer to pay.
The presentment currency rate of the cart.
The attributes associated with the cart.
An attribute associated with the cart.
The price at checkout before shipping and taxes.
The total loyalty points used in the cart.
The total amount for the customer to pay.
The URL of the checkout for the cart.